Welcome to Internet GurusTM Central

October 22nd, 2024
[The Gurus]

The on-line home of The Internet For Dummies, still the best-selling Internet book of all time (shocking, isn't it?) and many other books. We offer updates,advice, and gossip for our current and future readers.

One Ringy Dingy
We've been trying out new services that let you make phone calls over the Net. To our surprise, we found that unlike that last time we looked, some of them work really well, and we use them every day. We wrote up our experience and advice, including which ones we like and which one we don't use any more, and where to get some coupons good for a free month's service.

Buying books online
Here's our opinions about the on-line bookstore biz.

Awful, Horrible Spam
Check out our new Fighting Spam For Dummies, chock full of useful spam fighting advice. When our publisher asked us about writing a For Dummies on spam, we said sure, but nobody's going to want to read a full 384 pages on spam. So this book is a first, a real For Dummies book, but in a smaller size (about the same as the Quick References) with fewer pages so it's faster to read, and less expensive, too.

Also check out the Tracking Spammers section down the virtual hall at the Internet Privacy for Dummies web site.

Our Newsletter
We're now publishing a free online newsletter for readers and visitors. Learn about it and sign up

The Internet
The Net changes every minute, but we only rewrite our books once a year. What to do? Put part of the book on the Net.

Our Favorite Links
Check out our favorite travel planning resources, news sites, and other stuff.

We've moved down the virtual hall!
This web site has moved from net.gurus.com to the new, much more subtle and sophisticated http://net.gurus.org. Be sure to update your bookmarks.

Books by the Gurus

Windows Vista, XP, and Beyond

UNIX and Linux

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Reader Quote of the Day
(about The Internet for Dummies, 6th edition)
-- Joan, Prodigy
Aw, shucks.

Quotes for the past seven days.

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