Building Web Pages A short crash course in building your own web pages.
Countries on the Net All the world's countries, who's on the net, and their two-letter domain codes.
Internet Relay Chat (IRC) The ultimate solution to free time.
Internet Software Sources of Internet applications you can download and run
on your Windows PC (or Mac).
Kids on the Net Resources for and about children.
Macintosh Resources for Macintosh users.
Mailing Lists How to participate in e-mail mailing lists and find lists of interest.
Netiquette Plenty of helpful (and frequently amusing) advice on how to use email and
usenet so you don't make a fool of yourself.
New Domains What's up with the new domains like .info, and a lot of other obscure but legitimate domains as well.
(One of the Gurus who hates junk e-mail snagged NO.SP.AM, for example.)
Newsletters Newsletters about the Internet, both on-line and dead trees.
The Origins of Online Chat Where did on-line chatting and on-line romance start?
In France, of course.
Read this account by our friend Philippe who was there.
Internet Phones![[New!]](/icons/new.gif) Using your broadband Internet connection for phone calls, which to our surprise now works
pretty well.
Pretty Good Privacy A short introduction to the famous program that lets you send and receive
mail that nobody else can intercept.
Searching the Web The best systems for finding stuff on the Net.
Web TV / MSN TV Microsoft's box that gives you big screen net access from the comfort of your
recliner chair.
This chapter was in the 7th edition of Internet for Dummies
but it didn't fit in the 8th edition.
So here it is, for free. (What a deal.)
Selecting an ISP How to choose an Internet Service Provider, if you're unhappy with your current
one, or you're ready to graduate from AOL.
Smileys, Abbreviations, and Internet Jargon Smileys are dumb, but some are kind of clever.
Learn (but please don't use) them all!
And while you're at it, learn some trendoid jargon to drop into your
conversation and impress MOTAS (Members Of The Appropriate Sex, see
you're picking it up already.)
Software You Can Download Our favorite software Web sites.
Telnet: Logging into Other Computers Using Telnet and other classic line-oriented applications.
Usenet How to participated in Usenet newsgroups, and how to find newsgroups on specific topics.
Windows 3.1 and the Internet How to connect your Windows 3.1 computer to the Internet, with help from your ISP.
Windows 98 Updates to Windows 98: The Complete Reference
and other Windows 98 information.
Windows Me Updates to Windows Me: The Complete Reference
and other Windows Me information.