Updated: Mar 5, 2001
For Readers of Poor Richard's Building Online CommunitiesIf you manage an online community, you can take advantage of the many Web sites and communities dedicated to community managers! It makes sense that community managers would use the Internet--and online community in particular--for information and support. This page has updated addresses for resources that have moved since the book was published. Resources for All Types of Online Community ManagersThis section lists Web sites, mailing lists, newsgroups, and books that are useful for online community managers--regardless of how and where your community is hosted. Web Sites about Creating and Managing Online CommunitiesBig Bang Workshops: Virtual Communities--Getting Together on the Net
Children's Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998 (COPPA)
Community Manager Network
Facilitips: Quick Tips for Online Facilitation
Full Circle Associates (links and articles)
The Jargon File (for definitions of online terms)
The Mailing List Gurus (introduction to mailing lists and list management, by the authors of this book)
Membership Agreements
The Natural Life Cycle of Mailing Lists, by Kat Nagel
Netiquette Guidelines (RFC 1855)
Next Generation Research Group: Web Resources on On-Line Communities
Online Community Report (a bimonthly newsletter)
Online Community Toolkit (articles about creating and maintaining communities)
The Virtual Community: Homesteading on the Electronic Frontier (the complete text of Howard Rheingold's classic book)
The WELL's Host's Manual
Online Community DirectoriesDeja.com's Usenet Discussion Service (search engine for Usenet newsgroups)
DoList.net (searchable database of mailing lists and newsgroups, in either English or French)
ForumOne Index (searchable index of Web-based message boards)
The List of Lists (searchable index of mailing lists)
ListTool.com (directory of LISTSERV, ListProc, and Majordomo mailing lists)
Liszt: The Mailing List Directory (searchable index of mailing lists and newsgroups)
Liszt's IRC Chat Directory
PAML (Publicly Accessible Mailing Lists)
The SparkLIST Email Newsletter & Discussion Lists Directory
TILE.NET/LISTS: The Reference to Internet Discussion and Information Lists (newsgroups, too)
Topica (mailing list host and search engine)
WebScout Lists
Mailing Lists for Community ManagersGroup Facilitation (GRP-FACL) (about facilitation all types of groups, not just online)
Online Facilitation
Books for Community ManagersCommunity Building on the Web: Secret Strategies for Successful Online Communities, by Amy Jo Kim, published by Peachpit Press early in 2000. Planning and management ideas for managing communities. ISBN 0-201-87484-9. Cyberville: Clicks, Culture, and the Creation of an Online Town, by Stacy Horn, published by Warner Books in 1998. The story of one online community. ISBN 0-446-51909-X. Hosting Web Communities: Building Relationships, Increasing Customer Loyalty and Maintaining a Competitive Edge, by Cliff Figallo, published by Wiley Computer Publishing in 1998. Creating and running communities on the Web. ISBN 0-471-28293-6. My Tiny Life: Crime and Passion in a Virtual World, by Julian Dibbell, published by Owl Books in 1998. A journalist's accounts of his adventures in a MOO. ISBN 0-8050-3626-1. The Virtual Community: Homesteading on the Electronic Frontier, by Howard Rheingold, first published by HarperPerennial in 1994. A history of The WELL, one of the first online communities, as well as early MUDs and other multiuser communities. An updated edition was published by MIT Press in late 2000. ISBN 0-06-0976411 (1994 ed.); 0-262-681218 (new ed.). Resources for Mailing List ManagersThe authors of this book maintain a Web site with articles about mailing list management and links to other mailing list management resources--the Mailing List Gurus page, at http://lists.gurus.com/. We know of one good book about managing lists: Managing Mailing Lists, by Alan Schwartz, published by O'Reilly & Associates in 1998 (ISBN 1-56592-259-X). Hosts For Mailing ListsBrian Edmond's Internet Mailing List Providers List
List-Business .com's List-Hosting Service Providers
ListBot (owned by Microsoft)
Vivian Neou's Internet Mailing List Providers List
Yahoo Groups
Web Sites that Archive Mailing ListseScribe (also provides Web page hosting and chat rooms for mailing lists)
List-Business.com List Archivers Directory
The Mail Archive (anyone can add a list, without permission of the list manager, and subscribers' e-mail addresses are displayed)
Web Sites about List Server ProgramsLetterRip Pro
The Mailing List Gurus Page: Mailing List Management Programs
MailMan (the open source mailing list management program)
Web Sites about Mailing ListsThe Mailing List Gurus Page
List-Universe.com (more about e-zines than discussion lists)
Online Communities for Mailing List ManagersCren-listproc (for ListProc Managers)
Egroups-discuss-managers (discussion for mailing list managers at eGroups, now Yahoo Groups)
List-Advertising.com (discussion about how to advertise your mailing list)
Listhelp (general tips for running a mailing-list-based e-zine)
List-Moderators (discussion of list management on all list servers)
List-Tips (general tips for running e-zines)
LSTOWN-L (for LISTSERV Managers)
Lyris-announce and lyris-discuss (for Lyris managers)
MailMan-Users (for MailMan managers)
Majordomo-users (for Majordomo managers, despite its name)
Resources for Newsgroup Moderators and News AdministratorsMany FAQs about creating and managing newsgroups are available on the Web. This section lists Web sites, mailing lists, and newsgroups of use to newsgroup moderators and news administrators. Web Sites about Creating Big Eight NewsgroupsThe Big Eight Newsgroup Creation Process
Guidelines on Usenet Newsgroup Names
Guides for Creating Newsgroups
How to Create a New Usenet Newsgroup: Guidelines for Usenet News Creation
How to Create Newsgroups: How to Format and Submit a New Group Proposal
How to Write a Good Newsgroup Proposal
User's Guide to the Changing Usenet
Usenet Newsgroup Creation Companion (this may be outdated)
Web Sites about alt NewsgroupsThe Beginners Guide to Creating New alt.* Groups
Guide for Writing an Alt Newsgroup Proposal
How to Create an Alt Newsgroup
How to Name a Newsgroup
How to Justify a New Newsgroup
How to Write a Good Newgroup Message
Index of FAQs About Starting an "alt" Newsgroup
So You Want to Create an Alt Newsgroup
Web Sites about Other Newsgroup Hierarchiesaus: aus.* Newsgroup Administration
be: Hoe een BE-nieuwsgroep oprichten? (How to Set Up a BE Newsgroup; in Dutch)
biz: Biz.* Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
ch: The ch.* (Swiss Newsgroups)
de: Regeln für die Einrichtung und Entfernung von Usenet-Gruppen (Rules for the Establishment and Removal of Usenet Groups; in German)
es: Moderación de la Jerarquía es.* (Moderation of the es.* Hierarchy; in Spanish)
fr: Les Groupes USENET fr.* (The fr.* Usenet Newsgroups; in French)
it: I gruppi Usenet it.* - istruzioni per l'uso (The it.* Usenet Groups: Instructions for Use; in Italian)
nl: Richtlijnen voor het aanmaken van een newsgroup in de nl-hierarchie (Guidelines for the Creation of a Newsgroup in the nl Hierarchy; in Dutch)
nz: The nz.* Usenet Hierarchy
pl: How to Add pl.* Hierarchy to a News Server (FAQ)
sfnet: Sfnet-ryhmät (Sfnet Rules; in Finnish)
uk: UK Usenet Homepages
us: Newsgroup Creation in the us.* Hierarchy
Web Sites about Newsreaders and News ServersDNews (news server for Windows NT)
Forté, Inc. (Free Agent)
Frequently Asked Questions about the INN (InterNetNews) NNTP Server
INN Home Page (at the Internet Software Consortium)
Internet Explorer Home Page (Outlook Express newsreader, which comes with Internet Explorer)
Netscape Netcenter (Netscape Communication, which includes the Netscape Newsgroup newsreader)
TUCOWS (other newsreaders)
Web Sites that Display Newsgroup MessagesDeja.com's Usenet Discussion Service
HotBot Usenet
Other Web Sites about Usenet Newsgroups*.Answers Submission Guidelines
Address Munging FAQ: Spam-Blocking Your Email Address
B.J.'s Hotlists: Usenet (links to useful pages about newsgroups)
Breidbart Index Definition (a system for canceling spam)
Finding and Writing FAQs
Glimpse (a full text-search program usable for newsgroup archives)
Hypermail (a program that turns mailboxes full of messages into Web pages)
Internet FAQ Consortium (FAQs from newsgroups)
Moderated Newsgroups FAQ: Newsgroup Moderation Methods and Concepts
PGP Moose (a system for authenticating approval messages for moderated newsgroups)
Tortoise Home Page (Windows NT news server)
Usenet Newsgroup FAQs By Hierarchy FTP site
Online Communities for Newsgroup Moderators and News Server Administratorsalt.answers (announcement-only newsgroup with periodic postings of alt newsgroup FAQs) alt.config (newsgroup for discussing the creation of alt newsgroups) INN Mailing Lists (hosted at the Internet Software Consortium)
news.admin.hierarchies (newsgroup about Usenet hierarchy configuration) news.admin.technical (newsgroup about the technical aspects of maintaining Usenet) news.announce.newgroups (newsgroup with announcements of newly created Big Eight newsgroups) news.announce.newusers (announcement-only newsgroup with period postings for new Usenet participants) news.answers (announcement-only newsgroup with periodic postings of most newsgroup FAQs) news.groups (newsgroup for discussing the creation of new Big Eight newsgroups) news.newusers.questions (moderated newsgroup for new Usenet user questions and answers) news.software.nntp (newsgroup about the Usenet news server software) Resources for IRC Channel OperatorsMany IRC networks and channels have Web sites, and many IRC FAQs have advice for channel operators. Here are Web sites about IRC along with online communities for IRC chanops. Web Sites about IRC and IRC ProgramsThe alt.irc IFAQ (Inordinately Frequently Asked Questions)
DALnet's ChanServ page
DALnet's NickServ page
Edge's IRC page
The Internet Gurus IRC page
IRC Operators Guide (for the people who run IRC servers)
IRChelp.org Internet Relay Chat (IRC) Help Archive
mIRC home page (Windows IRC program)
The Official Ircle home page (Mac IRC program)
A Short IRC Primer (long)
Talk City TC Pirch and TC Ircle (programs for accessing Talk City channels)
The Undernet Documents Project
Web-based Directories of IRC ChannelsEFnet Channel List
IRCnet Channel Search
Liszt's IRC Chat Directory
Talk City
Undernet Channel Service
Web Sites of IRC NetworksAfterNET
AnotherNet (family-safe)
Bear Country Net (family oriented)
DALnet (another large IRC network)
DarkerNet (for the gothic, pagan, vampire, and role-playing communities)
Efnet (the original IRC network, Eris Free Network)
Esprit.Net (family oriented)
Infinity IRC
Kidlink (kids up to age 15 only)
KidsWorld (for kids only)
KnightNet (medieval theme)
Phishy Net
Undernet (the first spinoff network)
X World
Online Communities for IRC Channel OperatorsEach IRC network has one or more channels where channel operators meet to talk. Here are other places to find fellow IRC participants and chanops: alt.irc (newsgroup for IRC users and channel operators) alt.irc.dalnet (newsgroup for DALnet users) alt.irc.undernet (newsgroup for Undernet users) AnotherNet Mailing List (for AnotherNet users)
Chatting Online (for users of IRC and other types of chat)
DALnet Mailing Lists
General IRC Mailing List
Undernet Help Mailing List (for Undernet users)
Undernet Server and Routing mailing list (for Undernet channel operators)
Resources for Web-based Community ManagersWeb-based clubs include message boards, real-time chat, and other ways to share information on fWeb pages. This section lists sites that host clubs, message boards, and real-time chat. If you start an open Web-based community, be sure to list it at Forum One, at http://www.forumone.com/, a searchable index of more than 300,000 Web message boards and Web-based chats. For sources of message board software you can install on your own Web server, see the section "Installing Your Own Message Board Software," in Chapter 11 of the book. For sources of real-time chat software to install, see the section "Installing Your Own Chat Software" in the same chapter. Hosts for Web-based ClubsMost of these Web sites require participants to register with their site before joining your club, and the sites display ads to pay for the free service: About.com (clubs are hosted by paid About.com contractors)
AltaVista Communities
Delphi Forums
eGroups, see Yahoo Groups
EShare Expressions
Excite Communities
Lycos Clubs
MSN Web Communities
Snap Clubs
Talk City's eFriends (hosts clubs that include message boards and real-time chat for as many as 50 people)
Yahoo Clubs
Hosts for Message Boards to Add to Your CommunityExcept where noted, these Web sites let you create a free message board that can appear to be part of your Web site; most of them display ads to pay for their service: BeSeen
Casual Forums
Novogate (formerly ForumsGalore)
Theglobe.com (message board is on the site)
Hosts for Real-time Chat to Add to Your CommunityThese Web sites let you create a free, Java-based, real-time chat page on your own Web site; they display ads to pay for the service: BeSeen
QuickChat (uses a private IRC server)
Roger Wilco (free voice walkie-talkie program)
XOOM.com (uses ParaChat software)
Commercial Message Board and Real-time Chat HostsThese companies provide full-service message boards, real-time chat, and other community services to companies and other large organizations: Caucus Systems
HearMe (hosts live voice chat)
Ichat (part of KOZ.com)
iKimbo (requires all community members to install proprietary, free, virally-spread software)
ParaChat Professional
Prospero Technologies (formerly WellEngaged, used by The WELL)
SureSite Java Chat
Talk City
VCIX Community Management Service (CMS)
Hosts for Web-based 3D Visual CommunitiesBlaxxun Contact (browser plug-in)
Palace Visual Chat (Palace client and Palace server programs)
Online Communities for Web-based Community ManagersClubs Foundation Room (for managers of Yahoo Clubs)
Delphi Hosts' Forum (for managers of Delphi forums)
Egroups-discuss-managers (discussion for managers at eGroups, now Yahoo Groups)
Excite Community Admins Corner
The Well Hosts Conference (for managers of The Well conferences)
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