E-mail for Dummies, 2nd edition

[Our beautiful cover]

By John R. Levine, Carol Baroudi, Margy Levine Young and Arnold Reinhold.
May 1997, US$24.99. C$34.99, £23.99, 384 pages, ISBN 0-7645-0131-3. Includes CD-ROM.

A Whole Book on E-mail?

(from the Introduction)

You bet. Electronic mail, henceforth e-mail, sure has become popular. Everyone seems to have an e-mail address on their business cards, messages fly around offices, and around the world, and the occasional sage predicts the death of the Post Office. We're not too worried about the Post Office, but we can't imagine going back to life before e-mail. It's like life without the telephone.

When someone first suggested we write a book on e-mail, we thought ``It's so simple, the book would only be 25 pages long.'' But the more we thought about it, the more we realized that the problem wasn't finding material, it was picking the best of all the material we had and squeezing it into 384 pages.

First, e-mail is a little like driving a car: it's easy once you know how, but you have to learn about it, first. There are some nerdy aspects to e-mail that you may need to know about in order to use it: different e-mail programs, service providers, computer platforms, operating systems, and so on. And there are many different situations, some kind of confusing to deal with. You may already know how to send e-mail to someone in the next office, or to your kid in college, but what about that urgent message your boss wants sent to Switzerland? And how do you obtain people's addresses, keep your e-mail private or figure out if someone has gotten your message? We cover these issues and a lot more.

Second, there is a lot more you can do with e-mail than most people realize. You can join any of more than ten thousand e-mail mailing lists out there which cover almost every topic conceivable. You can use e-mail to access almost every service on the global Internet. We'll tell you all about these, too.

Finally, e-mail differs from other computer applications. Once you learn to use a word processor, you can write letters, memos, even books to your heart's content. To communicate using e-mail, however, the people you write to have to know how to use it as well. Even if you are cool with the technology, this book can help you bring your friends and colleagues up to speed. We know not everyone is comfortable with using a computer. In a country where most people still can't program their microwave oven, we will hold their hand and guide them through the process.

And remember, a gift of E-mail for Dummies means ``I want to stay in touch with you, wherever you are!''

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