By John R. Levine and Margaret Levine Young.
1996, 400 pages, US$19.95. C$26.95 £18.99,
ISBN 1-56884-606-1.
There's a lot more to say about the Internet than we had room for in
The Internet for Dummies.
So here's the next installment.
Important Features
- Tells you how to get your Windows system on the Net using free or
inexpensive shareware.
- Tells you how to create a home page, your personal billboard on the
Information Supercollider, er, highway.
- Discusses the ins and outs of Net access via Netcom, Prodigy, and GNN.
- Has lots of great Net resources and the Official alt.folklore.urban
Trivia Quiz.
Table of Contents
Part I: Behind the Scenes in NetLand
1. Welcome Back!
2. Connecting to the Net
3. A Peek Behind the Scenes
4. Resource, Resource, Who's Got the Resource?
Part II: Windows 3.1 and the Net
5. Getting Your Windows Machine on the Net
6. Grabbing Software over the Net
7. Cool WinSock Software
Part III: Windows 95 and the Net
8. Getting Your Windows 95 Machine on the Net
9. Using Microsoft Exchange
10. Windows 95 FTP, Gopher, etc. Software
Part IV: Macs and the Net
11. Getting Your Mac on the Net
12. Cool MacTCP Software
13. Getting Your OS/2 Warp Machine on the Net
Part V: More On-line Services
14. Connecting to the Internet via Prodigy
15. Connecting to the Internet via NetCruiser and NetCom
16. Connecting to the Internet via GNN
Part VI: Making Your Own Web Pages
17. Basics of HTML
18. There Must Be a Better Way!
19. Making Pages That Do Something
20. Web Page Design
21. If You Post It They Will Come
Part VII: Other Stuff
22. Less Popular But Still Useful Internet Services
23. Privacy on the Net (by Arnold Reinhold)
24. Business on the Net (by Phillipe Leroux)
25. How to Make Your Own Usenet Newsgroup
26. How to Register a Domain Name
27. Cool Stuff is Out There!